About Brightside Farm Sanctuary ......

Brightside Farm Sanctuary is a Not for Profit Farm Sanctuary and a registered Charity situated in the Huon Valley of Tasmania. Brightside provides refuge  and/or  permanent care to hundreds of  rescued farm and companion animals many of whom have been grossly neglected or abandoned and others who were unable to stay in their previous homes.

Brightside has about 250 permanent animal residents and re homes hundreds of needy animals through their adoption program. They offer help to all animals from pigs, cows and sheep to domestic rats, dogs and birds.

Brightside has an extensive education program and founder Emma Haswell speaks to thousands of students each year in schools, at youth conferences and at the sanctuary in their purpose built education room and barn.

Brightside Rescues, Educates and Advocates for animals. They give animals a voice and people the information needeed for them to become informed and compassionate shoppers, information that is hidden through the creation of million dollar marketing campaigns by the meat, egg and dairy industries. Most people are unaware of the terrible suffering endured by animals in order for them to become the next meal.

Brightside has also conducted undercover investigations of Tasmanian Factory Farms exposing horrific cruelty to animals. One such investigation into one of Woolworths largest Tasmanian suppliers Gary Oliver resulted in police charges of aggravated cruelty and successful convictions. The piggery has since closed.

All donations to Brightside are tax deductible. You can visit Brightside at www.brightside.org.au

Pictured Below - Rescued animals enjoying their now happy lives at Brightside.